پاورپوینت آموزش نرم افزارoligo7به زبان انگلیسی oligo7presentation 32اسلاید چکیده محتوای فابل: Rules for PCR Primer Selection and Presentation of the Software Contents •1. PCR Primer Selection Criteria - explanation of primer stability calculations - what makes a good PCR primer - other factors besides individual primer characteristics influencing PCR reaction •2. Oligo 7 Analyze Features - the Sequence window - general information (the Key Info) - duplex and hairpin formation - data about primers (Composition and Melting Temperatures) - false priming sites and homology analysis - oligonucleotide stability graph (T m , D G) - internal stability and its importance - sequence frequency - other DNA analysis options: ORF, restriction sites, DNA calculator •3. Search Options - search for primers and probes - other searches - batch processing •4 ...
پاورپوینت آمورش نرم افزار oligo,پاورپوینت نرم افزار oligo,پاورپوینت درباره نرم افزار oligo
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دوشنبه 20 خرداد 1398 ساعت 16:52