پاورپوینت درس طراحی عملیات حفاری جهت دار Trajectory Planning 70اسلایدبه زبان انگلیسی Horizontal & Section views Popular visual presentations of directional well data are on charts called horizontal and section views . The primary purposes of the two views are to pictorially show deviations of the drilled traverse from the planned traverse and the progress of the hole relative to the target. The Section View •is a vertical cross-section drawn through the centers of the rotary table and the target. The Horizontal View •depicts north-south and east-west axis which intersect in the center of the rotary table. • •The target, the traverse, and directional stations are recorded on the two charts. The axis of the horizontal view may represent magnetic directions if it is desired. ...
پاورپوینت درس طراحی عملیات حفاری جهت دار,پاورپوینت حفاری جهت دار
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یکشنبه 12 خرداد 1398 ساعت 03:25